77 Small Business Ideas To Start in 2024

67 min read
Vlad Kovalskiy
September 8, 2023
Last updated: November 15, 2023
77 Small Business Ideas To Start in 2024

Until recently, many people have not been in a hurry to open their own business, and continue to work for someone else. However, in 2023, many are starting to realise that now is a good time, even for the businessman-beginner. Some options do not even require investments.

If you want to change the monotonous weekdays of the hired worker for an independent life with a high level of profit, then consider the above challenge for realising business ideas as listed below.

So how did we choose the business ideas for our list? Here, we followed these principles: an idea must be genuine and actual (variants such as "baking at home" were not considered); it requires a small investment (from $1–$2, to £10,000); it does not need any special knowledge and experience.

3 Important actions to do

To begin, the individual will need to own three important internals: boldness, communicability and a flexible mind. But before that, they need to understand that any idea requires from them three actions:

1. To estimate a start-up capital

Investments are an inalienable part of a startup. Calculate how much money you have to open the business. First, it pays to use your own funds.

It is better to pursue business ideas in 2024 that require minimum investment, rather than to take on a debt from the bank. In fact, the chances are it will even be the case that you will not initially be recompensed.

2. To Make a market analysis

Looking over the top business ideas of 2024, it makes sense to be oriented on current reality and market tendencies. In particular, find out the answers to these questions:

  • What commodities or services have high demand now, and why, or will there be demand for them still in 5–10 years?

  • What level of competition is there in the niche and in your region?

  • How much money is needed? 

You will need to take into account the psychology and level of local clients’ profits, matters of legality, taxes, and any administrative barriers. If you don’t you may well find the idea produces zero profit.

3. To make a business plan

Even if you decide to take up business with minimum investments, you still need to make a business plan. It will allow you to see and estimate risks, which are unnoticeable in a superficial analysis level. Also, it will show how, as a business, you will be recompensed quickly, and what income it will bring in a long-term perspective.

Idea № 1. e-shop

The sale of commodities on the Internet is the most profitable business with minimum investments. So what will advantageously sell in 2023?

  • gift boxing

  • cactuses

  • nuts and dried fruit

  • spices

  • tea from Asia

  • backpacks and bags

  • tableware

  • children's food

With commodities for resale, it is advantageous to buy in China from wholesale suppliers. For this purpose, it is possible to use websites such as AliExpress, Alibaba, Taobao etc. A business variant with minimum investments — dropshipping. In such a case, you do not buy a commodity from a supplier, but order after pre-payment from the customer and bear responsibility.

Idea № 2.Vending Business

If you choose vending ideas from America and Asia, it is possible to find a lot of interesting variants that are not yet realised. For example:

  • commodities for travellers: neck pillows, clothing and shoes, headsets;

  • table games;

  • children's designer;

  • bicycle inventory;

  • things for forgetful parents: children's food, nappies, rattles, napkins, etc.

The average vending business brings up to 20% income of the amount of the initial purchase; you only need to accommodate a vending machine in an appropriate location and then regularly keep it stocked.

Idea № 3. Mediation in the real estate and service business

If you are interested in a rapid profit, try to become a mediator. For example, organise salespeople and customers of accommodation, attract investors in startups, or find clients for private specialists: lawyers, accountants, and psychologists.

If you have your own website or blog, participate in partner programmes (also called affiliate programmes). Usually, large e-shops, such as AliExpress, are ready to pay partners 5–10% from the sale of commodities.

Idea № 4. Guidance services

Open an excursion business in a city that has a rich culture, or a region with beautiful nature, such as mountains, lakes, waterfalls, reserves, etc. The cost of guide services starts from $40–$50 for an excursion duration of 3 hours. If you are sociable, able to talk about history (not simply retell facts from Wikipedia), or follow authorial routes, then you will not remain without clients.

Idea № 5. Business in Sport and Fitness

If you have successfully maintained a fit body and abs, share your experience with other people. Currently, there is a demand in niches for the following businesses:

  • personal fitness-trainer services;

  • bodyflex;

  • training is for weight loss or the development of muscular mass.

You can conduct employment and advise clients by Skype and also sell instructional videos on YouTube. As many have already done so, you can read many articles about earnings on social media. If you have a sporting inventory already, an investment will be needed only for promotion.

Idea № 6. Car-care centres and cleaning services aggregator

This profitable business is from Europe and the USA but is only realised in some cities. Aggregators host a website (mobile edition) with a list of accessible car-care centres, complete with services and tariffs. The proprietors of such sites can earn commissions of $1,000 a month.

Idea № 7. Massage salon

If you live in a small town, then a massage salon will become an excellent choice for your own business. Within small cities, there is plenty of demand, and you will be able to take away all present clients to your new venture.

To open a massage salon, you may need a small apartment, at least one table and an experienced masseur. But it is better to set 2–3 tables depending on customer volume and to hire a few specialists, to increase the amount of clients.

It is possible to offer the different types of massage:

  • classic;

  • curative;

  • anticellulite;

  • massage for pairs and others.

If you have clients constantly, you need to not only render high-quality services, but also correctly advertise the salon. Start an advertisement on social networks to create your own groups, regularly renew them and communicate with possible clients. Recoupment of massage salon investments presents at about 4 months; the basic complication consists of the search for skilled masseurs, and bringing in potential clients.

Idea № 8. Small sports nutrition shop

In the category of the best business ideas of 2024, a sports nutrition shop is an easy entry. Today, many people have begun to think about their health more, and to take up sports, visiting sports halls and gyms, for example. Healthy diets are now in fashion, and together with sports they allow for the quick formation of muscular mass; providing a body with the necessary energy for training is essential and in high demand.

To open a sports nutrition shop, it is better to be near:

  • sports clubs;

  • training halls;

  • or even simply in a high-footfall place.

For a start, you will need a space in an area not less than 20 square metres, trade equipment (counters/displays), a cash register and laptop with corresponding account software, and also products for sale. Extending with an assortment of sporting equipment is also possible, this will allow you to increase your income further.

A midway markup in this business is around 50% if you trade independently, which will be able to accommodate a salesman on a salary and taxes. In this case, your investments will be recompensed approximately…

Idea № 9. Banner design and mounting

Another interesting business to start in 2024 with the minimum investments of time and money is the service of making banners and placing them on billboards.

The principle is as follows: you take the contacts of companies that billboards belong to in well-communicating places and then advertise for placing banners on them. Many companies and enterprises place advertisements on billboards, but they do not engage in the process. You take an order, create a layout, print it and pass it on to the proprietor of the advertisement billboard for placing. 

This business can be organised in general without investment. Find data of proprietors of advertisement places on the internet, agree with a designer regarding collaboration, and place suggestions in a network on the internet. When a client appears, lay down the technical tasks for an order, pass them to the designer, then co-ordinate the rest of the process - pass the designs to a printing house, before finally delivering them on to the hoarding company.

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Idea № 10. Tutoring services

Parents are often very busy people, which is why they spare minimum time for their children and do not have spare time as far as teaching lessons. Children, being given the choice, often prefer not to study, but rather sit watching television, playing on a computer, or some other gadget. This is why their level of knowledge at school is not always as expected. To correct this situation, parents will hire private tutors. They pull up a child on the selected programme, prepare them for examinations, help with homework, or take a course in a university.

How to provide similar services?
Firstly, you must understand the subject and have pedagogical education (having said that, education is not obligatory). Secondly, it is not necessary to conduct studying at your home — you can go to the student’s home, or even conduct lessons over Skype or other video apps.

Thirdly, you can not only teach students, but also create course or diploma apps, that can be a real help to those studying a particular subject.

Idea № 11. Consultancy services

If you do not feel drawn to tutoring, but you are an expert on a subject, then you will always be able to offer consultation to people and be well rewarded for it.

Consultants can work in almost any field:

  • Study of foreign languages; 

  • Legal advice, whether from administrative, civil or criminal law;

  • Consultations of psychology or psychotherapy;

  • Consultations of administration of networks, the successful construction of business, their management or other services;

  • Fortunetelling, provision of horoscopes and other paraphernalia. 

Consultations can be conducted both at home and by video link, which will extend the list of possible clients considerably. For the organisation of these and any similar business, you only need a computer and mobile phone.

Idea № 12. Delivery service

As we are now at the height of electronic trade and online orders, delivery services have become an essential part of business. Consider the possibility of creating your own delivery service that will provide reliable and rapid delivery of various commodities.

Idea № 13. AR-tourism

AR-tourism opens up new possibilities for travelling, allowing people to experience unique events and enter into the virtual worlds. Consider the possibilities of recent developments in AR - of tourist experiences or the creation of specialized tourist packages, that will allow guests to enjoy unique walks and historical places using AR technology.

Idea № 14. Playstation club

Gaming has become a popular hobby for many people. Consider the possibility of the creation of a PlayStation club (or other platform), where players are able to gather together, compete in games and enjoy general playing evenings.

Idea № 15. Online dating club

Acquaintances over the Internet became the popular method of becoming a couple. Think about the creation of an online club of high-quality (or high-wealth) acquaintances, for a VIP audience, where clients will be able to find and enjoy confidential and exclusive meetups.

Idea № 16. Financial Consulting

Financial literacy and effective financial management are key aspects for many enterprises and private individuals. Consider the possibility of the creation of a company for financial consulting, to render professional services in financial planning, investment portfolios and financial analysis.

Idea № 17. Aesthetic cosmetology studio

Beauty therapy is always in demand, with clients always searching for these professional services. A good business opportunity is opening a studio of aesthetic cosmetology, offering access to various cosmetic procedures for the improvement of your client’s appearance.

Idea № 18. Dropshipping platform

Dropshipping has become a popular method of business that allows businessmen to sell commodities without the necessity of retaining a physical inventory. Consider the possibility of creating a dropshipping platform that will provide the convenient and rapid processing of orders and supplying commodities.

Idea № 19. Crypto exchange service

With the development of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies, demand has appeared for safe and easy methods of digital asset exchange. Opening of crypto exchange allows users to carry out the exchange of cryptocurrencies quickly, reliably and with minimum commissions.

Idea № 20. Online lottery

Lotteries have always been a popular entertainment of chance and fortune. The founding of online platforms for lotteries allows you to attract wide audiences of players and give the possibility to participate in different enthralling lotteries to them.

Idea № 21. Digital agency

In the digital age, businesses need help to enable them to offer the promotion of food, products and services on the Internet. The opening of a digital agency will allow you to render complex services in website development, content marketing, social media and all other aspects of digital advancement.

Idea № 22. Cosmetic medicine

The growing demand for cosmetic procedures makes room for the opening of new medical centres that specialise in the offering of services of skin treatments and other procedures, that improve the original look and well-being of their clients. It is important to have skilled specialists and modern equipment for the achievement of excellent results.

Idea № 23. Online commission platform

Open a commission shop or online platform for the sale of used goods, which will allow people to find buyers for their no-longer required possessions, and help customers to find quality second-hand items.

Idea № 24. Electronic commerce optimisation service

The offering of specialised services in the optimisation of electronic commerce (eCommerce), the improvement of co-operating with clients and the increase of conversion can become advantageous possibilities for business.

Idea № 25. Personalised wellbeing services

Consider the possibility of creating a business with the formation of your own brand, and registration and promotion of products through social media networks — TikTok, Instagram etc. This includes the realm of the ‘influencer’ and other product introduction services.

Idea № 26. CRM products for taxi services

In the modern world, the taxi industry has undergone significant and considerable changes due to the introduction of information technologies. The development of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) products can simplify the processes of order, implementation and management of taxis-transportation, providing a service both for drivers and for clients.


Idea № 27. Internet trading market

What can be more banal after attending a marketplace? However, opening a new trade internet-marketplace only on the face of it seems a bad idea. In the nearest years the sphere of internet marketing will grow at extraordinarily high rates. Popularity of classic TM gradually goes down in case of a pandemic and transition of both salespeople and customers on-line.

Model is an example of a company called IKEA, that called to the market, starting an e-shop in many countries, not expecting a representative.

Idea № 28. Smart offices and coworking

It is known that habit is formed for 21 days. No wonder that many workers had time to get used to remote work and now do not want to go back to offices. In addition, a large-scale economic crisis forces companies to save money. A quarantine showed that most working tasks can be fully effectively executed and at home, that is why many companies plan substantially to reduce charges on a lease, maintenance of offices, translating employees on the controls from distant office hours.

According to questioning of CBRE, after completion a pandemic the half of the European companies plans to leave part of workers on remote. This decision will allow businesses to cut down expenses.

An epidemic resulted in the serious revision of conception of organization of office space. Now every employee will not have an own workplace, employees will come into an office only from time to time and will occupy available spaces. Also the open space will lose its popularity. All greater popularity will acquire smart offices, apartment with plenty of little rooms. Maybe, some companies will translate workers in co-workings.

Obviously, in the near future we are expected to see the epoch of "flexible offices" and development. The creation of office apartments of new types is a wonderful startup idea in the field of commercial real estate.

Idea № 29. Telecommuting control services

One of the main trends of contemporary cities is an increase in the amount of remote employees. From data from the research of company Gartner, in the near time over 50 workers will pass to the controlled from distance employment. The increase of popularity of remote work means that working processes will be digitized, to go on-line. The companies now have different services for organization of telecommuting, cloud depositories of data, system of tracking and control after employees, CRM of the system, services, are never needed for management files.

Idea № 30. Lead generation for business

Hot leads now as never needed to any company, but to retain the enormous department of sales and marketing — expensive pleasure. Good decision — to give lead generation on outsource.

Lead generation is an extremely tensile concept. The agency can engage in the email- marketing, SEO, by advancement in social media, tuning of advertisements in Google, cold and warm sales (by calls), creation of pages that sell on the internet. For today most chances of success have startups that automatize collection of leads, allowing in earnest to increase conversion. It is an area, where it is today possible to make reality of the most original business-ideas.

Idea № 31. A platform for virtual events

Event-industry, beyond all doubt, grandiose changes expect. Extremely probably, that classic conferences, business-measures will not soon go back into our life. Educational sphere is also all more "didgitalyzed", and goes on-line. But a quarantine showed that classic platforms for organization of the controlled from distance conferences (Zoom, Skype) did not get along at the tasks fixed on them. As a result, at the market appeared different services for realization of the control from distance conferences, measures (for example, Google Meet).

Idea № 32. Virtual psychological therapy

If you have psychological education or simply shod in the field of psychology, try to organize psychological courses on the internet. In the conditions of crisis and psychological problems, depression will appear, becoming sharp for people. For example, almost every third American reduced the signs of "quarantine depression". Difficult times come, that is why people with more skilled psychological help will need it.

Business in the field of online psychology can be taken not only to ordinary psychological consultations in the onlinemode. Yes, you can sell educational materials, info products. In addition, now actively the different medical analogues of service of Booking develop and marketplaces. A similar project can be realized in the industry of psychology.

Idea № 33. Virtual apartment design

Despite the difficult economic situation, people will continue to make repairs in their homes. More and more young families want to make a unique design renovation, but they do not have time to go to the designer and discuss all the details. 

In such cases, a virtual consultation with the designer is a good idea. In online mode, you can solve all your questions, in addition, the designer can save on renting an office, which is important in the current conditions.

An interesting idea for a startup is a service that allows you to quickly create a computer design model of an apartment, and then show it to the client using virtual reality technologies. 

Idea № 34. Backpacks

Lately backpacks have become a very popular trend. They are carried by not only schoolchildren but also IT- specialists, office workers, travelers. Therefore if you plan to start a startup in fashion- industry, it costs to be thoughtful about the production of original backpacks. 

Idea № 35. Chat bots development

Clients, before to order a commodity or service, are set by many different questions, taking away time for the employees of service of support. It results in a volume, that business loses leads, and potential customers go to the competitors. Avoiding this situation is possible by means of the special chat bot, that executes some base tasks with intermingling with potential clients. The chat bots are necessary for any business that is in the internet. Creation of bot of chat costs unexpensive, this product is accessible to majority of businessmen.

Idea № 36. Developments of software for smart houses

Smart houses are popular in the west and among the provided Europeans. Lately, people building small "smart flats" that have a smart- accommodation have nothing in common actively, except the prefix of "smart". Smart house is a "clever house", accommodation equipped by the different programs for the facilitation of life. Good Smart — house it is a whole complex of the different systems. In such accommodation there is modern signaling, automatic control of heating and power supply, and checking of the climate system.

Clear that all software for a smart- house needs to be developed, and in the field of creation of "clever accommodation" there are plenty of possibilities of new startups, free market niches.

Idea № 37. Programs for yoga, meditation, and fitness

Unstable world situation has made us all take our own health much more seriously in the coming years. People will not only visit the gym more often, but also pay attention to physical activity at home. In addition, difficult times lead to the fact that more and more people will suffer from depression. The best remedies for stress are yoga and meditation. But most people can't create the right training program on their own, so they use various fitness apps. Therefore, developers of applications for sports, meditation, yoga and healthy lifestyle will definitely not be left without customers.

Idea № 38. 3D printing of houses

3D printing technology improves with every year. 3d-printers become all more effective, and that day is not far away, when people will be able to create dwelling-houses by means of 3d-technologies. An idea of creation of building by means of technologies are extremely actual, in fact anymore one milliard of people is not had own accommodation. In account of the American company ICON, cost of creation of one house by an area about 70 sq.m by means of 3d-printer can present about 4 thousand dollars, and printing such building will be possible only for a day!

In the USA by 3d-printers a few large objects were built, which leads to possibility of application in building. The Slovenian company BetAbram put right the production of building 3d-printers already. Their price starts from 12 000 euro. Startup in the field of 3d-print will be extremely highly sought in regions, where it is necessary quickly and cheap to erect dwelling-houses and object infrastructures (Africa, Latin America, Asia).

Idea № 39. Videogames and cyber sports disciplines

Cybersports and the gaming sector not only did not suffer during the epidemic, but also significantly improved their positions. The share price of the well-known Gaming Corporation Electronic Arts during the first wave of the pandemic increased by 35%, and the shares of the Japanese company Nintendo for the same period increased by 20%. According to the Global Game Market Report, the global video game market will grow to 1 196 billion in 2022 (compared to 152 billion in 2019).

In the gaming industry, you can find a lot of ideas for a startup. You can make a classic video game, come up with a game with a unique concept, or create an esports app, an eSports betting service. It all depends on your imagination.

Idea № 40. Waste utilization

A problem wastes utilization is one of peracute for modern humanity, as a result investments in processing of garbage grow with every year. From data of research of company Research and of Markets, in 2026 the volume of world market of utilization of wastes will increase it Costs to mark to the $643 milliard, that in Euro is redone to 60PV (hard domestic wastes), 

You can work out your own startup in utilization or processing of wastes with the aim of their secondary use, or to inlay money in an existent project. Yes, it follows to pay attention to a profile investor operating business from processing and utilization of gas wastes. An enterprise has all necessary licenses and it is equipped with technological equipment. A company processes wastes from Europe, and also cooperates with the large world enterprises.

Idea № 41. Handmade items

One of the most popular trends of contemporary cities is the handmade industry. People all more often buy the wares of handwork. For example, needlework is a good idea for the organization of a small startup. Unlike most business-ideas, hand made does not require some large investments.

You can do everything that is pleasing literally. Most popular among customers is today used by such wares of handwork: clothing, decorations and bijouterie, swimming suits, sweetnesses and various foodstuffs, gift boxes, cosmetics, toys.

To realize the products you will be able to use the internet. It is first possible to create the simplest web-site. Also the good source of customers for the wares of handwork is Instagram.

Idea № 42. Internet marketing for small business

Quarantine of spring 2020 showed that if business is absent on the internet, then it does not exist. Therefore small and middle businessmen are forced to go to on-line. However most businessmen can allow the soba to pay for the work of professional marketing specialists, and retain aims in marketing departments. Therefore they are forced to call the agencies of internet-marketing.

If you are competent in marketing, then you can try to create your own agency that will render services to small and midsize businesses. you can be specialized in some concrete sphere (SEO or SMM, for example) or give the complete complex of marketing services (this variant better).

Idea № 43. Business in Green Energy

New startups appear in the field of alternative energy every year. Green energy is not only a fashion trend, but also a good opportunity to earn money. Thus, Europe and USA, the state undertakes to buy all electricity from green energy producers at a fixed "green tariff" (0.183 euros if the station is connected in 2017–2019; 0.164 euros if the station is connected in 2020–2024 and 0.146 euros if the station is connected in 2025–2029). Global warming opens up new opportunities for solar energy producers. It is worth noting that in 2022, he-stations became the main producer of electricity in the EU. We can confidently say that even despite the gradual reduction of the green tariff, green energy remains one of the most investment-attractive industries.

Idea № 44. Agricultural technologies

An agricultural sector remains one of not many that demonstrates the stable rates of increase relatively. An agrarian sphere though also suffered as well as much business in the period of war, in particular from problems with the sale and logistics of grain, she remains attractive enough for investors at this time. A large problem for n agrarians are climatic changes, but this year the weather promises to be friendly to agricultural production.

Agriculture becomes all more technological. Climatic changes and digitalization economies forcing agrarians to search new hi-tech decisions. New digital decisions are actively used in a modern agricultural enterprise. There are two good niches for creation of startups in the agro segment. You can start a hi-tech farm, or develop software for an agribusiness.

Idea № 45. Online vita-shop

Over the next ten years, people will pay great attention to strengthening their immunity, so vitamins will become one of the most popular products. You can make good money on vitamin hype by launching an online vitamin store.

A more original startup idea in the vitamin field is the vitamin bar. Of course, investing in any public catering establishment in our time is very dangerous, but the vitamin bar may be an exception. In such a bar, visitors will be offered various drinks and cocktails that contain vitamins and help strengthen the immune system. The bar will have no end of customers (especially if you invest enough money in online marketing and advertising).

Idea № 46. Mobile apps, services for work and study

After quarantine limitations, final abandonment from that is under a question, many employers and hired employees had time to estimate advantages of remote work. They continue successfully to use this format. In this connection a wonderful idea of a startup with a minimum initial capital is creation of a service for control of work of the personnel adapted under concrete working processes.

For example, for the parents of schoolchildren an app for Android or I/os, that gives an opportunity to know homeworks, get a reminder about terms, and the necessity of implementation of work, will profit very much.

Idea № 47. Short-term office rental

As the amount of freelancers and self-employed grows constantly, the highly sought of co-working and temporal offices increases. A tendency touches companies that prefer to save on maintenance of offices. A short-term lease of a workplace is an advantageous variant for realization of negotiations of specialists with a client, meeting of employees with different departments, organization of conferences.

Idea № 48. Eco-bags, packaging

An interesting idea for a startup, an idea easily implemented, is the sale of bags for products with an original design, sets of bags for cereals, jars, containers. The direction can be developed both in the direction of hand made and through mass production. There are few manufacturers of eco-diapers and pads in the world, so there are many opportunities for implementing such ideas. The production of eco-packaging made of biodegradable film is also in demand.

Idea № 49. Unique clothing, tableware, and furniture production

Creation of original stuff is a wonderful idea for a startup with small investments. Jackets, sweet shots with painting on sleeves, t-shirts with unusual thematic print, shoes with embroidery technicians that are used, can be not a novelty, but your fantasy is able to create a unique thing in truth. It is possible to conduct creative experiments with tableware, furniture and interior.

Idea № 50. Items and equipment for rent

Things, technique in a lease This idea for startup is related to the tendency of privation from trash and literate organization of space. Most people do not wish to fill a room with unnecessary, rarely necessary things. To economize money, not encumbering an accommodation, a lease will help. Giving on a rental basis is possible: bicycles, gyro boards, scooters; skis, snowboards; equipment, accessories for photo sessions; electrical instruments; domestic technique; sets of tableware; drones; furniture.

Idea № 51. Vocational courses for teenagers

Increasingly, students prefer to choose a profession after the 9th grade. Employers raise specialists literally from the school bench. If you have certain skills, the idea for a startup with minimal investment is ready. Promising areas: website creation, programming, design, animation graphics.

Idea № 52. Culinary courses

Culinary courses obtained large enough popularity, as the world became more globalized and to become acquainted with the kitchens of different people of the world far more people want now than ever before. Courses of cookery are a type of business that can be conducted in different scales and formats. Starting is possible from the culinary blog and grows up to culinary academies and schools. The volume of starting investments depends on the format of the business and starting terms. It is here possible to find examples, when people started from $2000–3000 dollars., buying in addition an absent inventory and brand name aprons, and there were investments in size of $3000–5000 for online projects, and from $8000–10000 thousand — on opening of small classic studios. Operate, coming from your opportunities.

Idea № 53. Child's trampolines

Child's inflatable trampolines — it is one of the profitable ideas of annual business. Trampolines are set in parkas, on territory near shopping centers, on the mass walk. Inflatable attractions are popular everywhere, even in small settlements. Therefore, if you are searching for a profitable business for a little city, then business on trampolines is one of the optimal variants. A trampoline under open skies can work for 3 to 5 months (depending on the region). Coming from it, for one season a businessman can earn $3000–5000 income. However, after the completion of a season, it is possible to find a corresponding apartment and business the round will bring income on trampolines.

Idea № 54. Frameless furniture

Frameless furniture is comfortable and easily written into the interior of any apartment, or private house. Module sofas and armchair-sacks like for teenagers, and after the comfort and simplicity of transferring to times excel the framework and massive brothers. Thus, the module system with pleasure is bought at any time of year. Therefore, the large variety of models will make the shop of frameless furniture attractive for people of different ages. Initial investments will make $10000–12000. Seasonality has not a single influence on the production of unframed furniture. Therefore, basic factors and income depend on the amount of orders and the influence of advertisement. 

Idea № 55. Mushrooms growing

Business from growing mushrooms differs in high profitability — about 40% more, and the year-on-year world increase of volumes of mine-out products presents a 6–8%. Starting capital investment in business on mushrooms will differ from that, what types of mushrooms you gather to grow, and in what terms and volumes. Id Est, to erect everything in some concrete miscalculation is extraordinarily difficult, if it is impossible in general. For example, for a growth of 1 t/month for the start of business you may need from $2000. More than half of these capital investments will go on equipment, and other — on growing fertile mycelium. Thus, as an experience of worldly-wise Mushroomers shows, a net income from growing mushrooms will lay down from 300$ in a month from the moment of the start of the sale. Profitability of sale — approximately 25% and term of recoupment will lay down approximately 8–9 months. 

Idea № 56. Small billiard club

Opening a small billiard club is a profitable business idea in the field of entertainment for adults. Opening a billiard club is possible both as an independent establishment and as a constituent of a wider business project: a trade-entertaining center, nightclub, and others like that. In any case, to have your establishment successful, if you correctly choose the place of location and, most basically, will get in a query among a population on such type of entertainment and rest. In order to open a competition billiard club, it is needed approximately from $20000–40000. This sum will be enough to cover all necessary charges for the purchase of equipment, lease of an apartment, minimum repair, actual registration of business, and purchase of assortment.

Idea № 57. Wedding auto rent

Renting of wedding auto as a business is a successful enough model that allows a relatively small workload to get a considerable additional profit. Initial charges on the opening of business from the rent of an auto on the wedding will make approximately $15000. The most considerable part of the charges is the purchase of direct transport. Working models — Chrysler 300c. At the count of financial indexes of business on rent of wedding auto it is necessary to take into account the factor of seasonality. With the coming of spring of orders, it will be very much, then in summer demand for spades will go down a bit on a decrease, and in a fall-winter period to talk about the workload of machines even 3 days in a week illogically. Therefore, the real period of recoupment of the project is about 2 seasons.

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Idea № 58. Growing of filbert

About the actuality of growing filbert, much to talk about it does not cost. Do not reflect — start! The high productivity, simplicity of growing, food value and benefit of garden stuffs, and protracted expiration date, make this business extraordinarily attractive and profitable. Demand for a filbert is reckless because for Europeans it is a new culture, such as a honeysuckle or dogwood. For people grow to the filbert of trees, but as yet from them are afraid to do business. People see the prospect of this culture and little by little increase the areas of nut gardens. The potential of European countries in growing filbert is extraordinarily large and strongly underestimated. Investments in 1 hectare to the first harvest — Return on investments is $7–10000 with a fifth-sixth year when a nursery transplant begins to bear fruit. On the whole, the first nuts appear in the second year after landing.

Idea № 59. Bicycles internet shop

Investments in the opening of stationary shop-composition of bicycles present a minimum of $15 0000. If the speech goes about a physical shop, that needs expenses on the lease of the apartment, its arrangement, and personnel, including a specialist accountable for bicycle service. A separate item of expenses is a purchase of inventory (bicycles and bars for them, accessories, and others like that). But it is possible to do a rate on an e-shop. And then possibility appears to shorten something. In such a case the start of a bicycle business will cost you approximately $5000. This sum will be formed by charges, which will include, in particular, the purchase of base commodities, expenses on an apartment, remuneration of labor of a few employees, and website creation.

Idea № 60. Eco Market

Modern business is oriented toward eco-friendliness. High demand, profitability, not high competition, and prospects of development, — a few reasons here, to open an eco-market. "Green" business for Europe cannot be considered a new direction. However, a market is filled, and most consumers mark the narrow eco goods amount. In such terms even for businessmen-beginners that plan to open an eco-market, there is a chance to go out on a profitable level. The sum of starting investments can change depending on the format of the shop. The greater the trade area and assortment, the more employees plan to hire, and the more money it will be to inlay. To open an eco-market with a trade area of 50–70 sq.m. About $7000 is needed. The Capital amount will go on equipment and primary purchases.

Idea № 61. Small Bar

In Recent years the culture of public food consumption has developed actively. As a result, there is a swift increase in the number of establishments and varieties of suggestions, that form the special interest in a meal out of the house. Even in a period of economic crisis and pandemic the coronaviruses of the population do not renounce the visits of establishments of public food consumption. The same and in the present situation in the world, although the population tries to save on this type of charge. Why nevertheless does it cost to open a bar or pub? Firstly, the concept of a bar envisages a more informal situation: this place, where it is possible to gather with friends, rest in the evening after work, deliciously eat, and have a drink of alcoholic beverages. Secondly, in bars, high enough marks-up on alcohol provide a considerable income. Thirdly, bars can be used as grounds for the realization of different measures. Fourthly, opening a bar is far simpler than a valuable restaurant.

Idea № 62. Shoe repair workshop

Repair of shoes is a service that does not lose the actuality at all times. At any time, people will repair a shoe. Demand rises in a period of crisis when people save and consider the best to appeal to the master, to repair an old shoe rather than buy a new one. Shallow domestic services to the population have high demand. If you are searching for a simple business idea with minimum investments, then a workshop on shoe repair of shoes will become a good option. An idea is not new but has already shown itself as an advantageous business. For quality and operative service, special equipment is needed in a workshop. General charges on equipment will take about $2000.

Idea № 63. Rent of summer residences on a trailer

Caravanning as a business is a niche perspective and advantageous enough from the point of view of return on investments, but not always lifting on volume investments. Renting campers is a niche perspective and advantageous enough. However the volume of primary investments is very substantial — without starting 200 thousand dollars to rent of campers not approached, however, you twist. This direction will demand a starting investment of a sum of approximately $30000. The business built on handing over in the lease of the so-called "houses on wheels" — among those tourist projects that got the new breathing and collected mass turns in new realities.

Idea № 64. Hostel

The hostel is an excellent variant for a start in the hotel business, entering that is possible with small investments. The world market of hostel services grows 7–8 percent in a year and over 5 million dollars bring annual earnings. Starting investments on a large hostel as an independent business project from zero begins at approximately 400 thousand dollars., and the terms of recoupment can last from 3–5. Accordingly, an annual income presents about $100,000.

Housing hostel opening is considerably simpler: it is enough to sign a long-term leasing agreement and buy in all inventory. Starting charges are estimated at $2000–5000., and terms of recoupment — from a year to two. A monthly income from a housing hostel can range from $5000.

Idea № 65. Busy Boards for children

Busy board, or a "board of Montessori" is a popular educational board for children, a production that does not require high investments and charges on equipment. All know miraculously, children like to be played by "adult" things, copying the actions of adult relatives. Therefore busyboards became the real rescue for parents. Making busy boards from the point of view of business can be a fully attractive idea for a small enterprise.

A place and region of realization of large value do not have, as selling a commodity is possible through your country over the Internet.

Idea № 66. Breeding of aquarium fishes

One of the most widespread types of favorites of man there are aquarium fishes. Essentially, an aquarium shows not only the satisfaction of the necessity to hold for itself some living creature but also the desire to decorate the interior of an apartment. Many amateurs hold fishes because of their beauty and relative simplicity. Therefore demand for aquarium fish is always stable and practically unchanging. Thus the special ​​competition in business from breeding of aquarium fishes is not observed. By making a push it is always possible to realize the posterity with a benefit for itself.

But it is first necessary to create terms for fish not only for reproduction but also for survival. For the start of business, you may need $2000.

Idea № 67. Making of aquariums

Aquariums became the decoration of not only apartments but also office buildings, trade-entertaining centers, restaurants, and boutiques a long ago. Opening a firm by making aquariums can be begun with small investments, and with a wide base of clients, the business will grow to a large scale. On average orders on an aquarium execute for a month. If a customer wants to get him before, then the price can increase to 40% depending on the price and your company image.

Idea № 68. Mental arithmetic school

A trend on quality outboard education returns. Together with the most various courses, master's degree programs and training for adults of large popularity collect the educational programs for the least — our children. And if in a paradigm demand-suggestion with additional education for adults all more or less forecast, then with out-of-school education for children not all so simply. School of mental arithmetic — one of the most popular establishments among children and adults.

The minimum sum for a business project "School of mental arithmetic" is $5000. This money will go on a lease, furnishing of workspace, purchasing of educational complete sets, and starting an advertising company.

Idea № 69. Flowers in glycerol

The hand-made industry continues to develop galloping steps. After making decorative candles and soap of handwork, a ponderable niche is occupied by the making of flowers in glycerin. The sale of flowers in glycerin is a business mainly for women. Flowers are very difficult to preserve so they preserve primitive beauty and freshness. In the process of making a solution, it is important to adhere to the proportion of water and alcohol. The process of making flowers in glycerin is simple — they can be done even in domestic terms.

A recipe is based on substituting water in the cages of flowers for glycerin. It costs to remember that flowers in glycerin — it is one of the variants of earnings on a hobby. Certainly, it will not bring in a multimillion return, but you will get heartfelt pleasure and income exactly, that can be compared to the middle salary.

Idea № 70. Cancer farm

Growing crawfishes can bring in a stable return during six months — from May to October. Seasonality is the only lack of this business. Crawfishes are conducted in artificial rats and aquariums. Certainly, before taking up this business, it is necessary to learn demand at the market, or there is in principle, and if it exists, then he is large as far as.

Growing of crawfishes

Crawfishes are an extraordinarily popular delicacy. As demand for these sweets remains unchanging, the artificial breeding of crawfishes appears sufficiently profitable business. It is possible under the breeding of crawfish to tie up another business. As a rule, they will go to beerhouses, different restaurants, and cafes. Can consider the variant of opening small fish shops, where among other products there will be crawfish. Believe, among a population, they always have demand, and will not lie too long on counters.

Idea № 71. Microgreens growing

If you watch the world's tendencies, then, probably, you will notice that the healthy way of life has become more popular. A main rule of a healthy way of life is a correct feed. Therefore all acquired greater popularity in Europe, business-trend — growing is microgreens. Farmers-beginners assert that it is possible to begin to work in times more than on ordinary parsley and dill.

In addition with microgreens growing it is possible to start growing another unusual consumer product — edible flowers. There are no features in growing edible flowers — they are grown as ordinary flowers. It costs to grow that blossom quickly. The types of edible flowers can be changed depending on the season. The basic working kinds are begonia, viol, and fuchsia. Carnation depends on the period.

Idea № 72. 3d printing of walls

Quite recently 3d-printers were something new and after a price range accessible only to corporations. And look, that is created now. Using 3D printing all is created — from a meal to cars, and the simplest variants of machines in a money equivalent are fully accessible to the ordinary inhabitant. The potential in this direction is enormous. We are sure that not once will remain under the impression from news of developments of 3D devices able to build our lives.

But now interests us, how it is possible to apply devices in ordinary business, and that can become popular in the near time.

3D printers can apply for this role, and walls can print!

The essence of the device is simple. A vehicle is connected to a special manipulator that squeezes out the special plastic using the reinforced fiber. As a result, an exit framework that has increased durability goes out for us. All that will remain to do for readiness — to inundate separate emptinesses a building foam, and then to take up external treatment.

Idea № 73. Smart Foil

Society already used the prefix of smart. Smartphones, smart TVs, and all others, that long ago already began to be associated with technological innovations.

Here smart foil is a technological decision that will soon find application in the enormous amount of spheres of life. Shows such as digital foil, transparency that can be regulated, and yet to be used as a screen of reverse projection, that can show video data.

At such wonderful "material" enormous amounts of applications. The smart foil will allow you to create clever toning of motor-car glass — you will be able to press one pressure to change intensity. With such smart foil any glass, mirrors, and windows, can be used as a screen for information transfer. Smart foil is originally glued on the shop window of a shop able to represent advertisement video data when it is needed, and when it is not needed — it is simple to be effective in protecting from dust and light.

Idea № 74. Selling a sweet cotton wool that glowing

Sweet cotton wool always was profitable seasonal business and, for the novice, that wishes thereon to begin to work it was practically unreal to find available space wherein many people - parkas, embankments, fairs walk. All was hammered in under a plot by those, who wanted to produce profitable business with incredibly high profitability.

Then sly novices began to invent something that would help them to pay attention to themselves. So the new types of sweet cotton wool began to appear. Not only did it become varicolored — appeared sweet cotton wool of different forms.

A competition bears progress. And on forms inventive businessmen too did not begin to be stopped. So soon in the numerous parks of our country, we will see sweet cotton wool glowing.

On the whole, such cotton is not wool, but sticks, shiny cotton wool with light-emitting diodes. In any case, it is an excellent trick that performs the duty — to attract the attention of potential customers. Moreover, customers are still yet and by a surprise — these sticks can be used as a toy ("magic sticks") since basic sweets will be eaten.

Idea № 75. Interactive sand-box for children

Do you remember, what was popular at one time when there was a novelty as drawing sand on a shining table? Such shows until now were organized within the framework of entertainment measures. However, demand for them gradually began to go down.

It is a sandbox that uses a scintiscanner and software, and also a projector. The essence is that such a sandbox can destroy an image on sand depending on what landscape is created. Yes, if you make a hill out of the sand, both a projector will show the image of a mountain on it, and if you do a ditch or the river will appear. Modes very much and all of them are interactive.

For children, such a sandbox is a surprising world, where they will be able to develop fantasy. Indeed interesting she will be to not only the children but also their adult parents.

To set up such vehicles-sand-boxes it is possible both in trade-entertaining centers and in cafes, restaurants, and playing rooms.

Idea № 76. Social Pharmacy

Pharm business — on the right troublesome and not simple, however at a successful coincidence and work of permanent client base can become a quite good source of profit. If a businessman does not have experience in this business, or he is not large enough in order successfully to manage a similar enterprise, maybe it makes sense to consider the purchase of deductibles of the known pharm brand. In such a case at first, the sum of investments will be higher, however, most decisions and business processes will already be adjusted. During pharmacy work after a deductible it will not be to decide a question with the search of suppliers and literate forming of assortment — all already it will be done before you.

Idea № 77. Carsharing

In recent years in metropolises as mushrooms numerous services that render services of short-term leases of cars through mobile addiction began to appear in the rain — carsharing. The client of the carsharing company pays only for the amount of time spent after driving the helm of the machine. This can take in the use of transport in one borough, and leave in another. Washing, parking, and maintenance — all due to a provider.

After the normalization of the situation in the world, the opening of carsharing can become an excellent business project with the presence of substantial investments in the initial stage. 

Support for start-ups by large investors

Ideas ​​for startups with minimum investments fully really to realize independently. If speech goes about a scale project, small business has a right to count a large player on resources. A help to the businessmen-beginners does not end in itself for corporations. A new project interesting to the investors, if: 

  • to create a similar product into a company unprofitably (it is needed much time and money); 

  • a firm intends to purchase part of project or all business;

  • a business concern plans to get resale of commodities.

In our TOP of ideas for startup base directions that can be developed are presented. Think over and create their own variant of prosperous business on their basis — with the personal or extraneous investments.


In this article of Business Ideas for 2024,  we have suggested to you a number of ideas to occupy yourself, and not to remain without clients or money. If you analyse markets on the whole, you will discover many ideas that now have cost-effective variants, and opportunities to offer services and online trade.

A good small business in the field of production requires large investments, with a long wait for recompense, and a beginner is seldom able to sustain competition with more experienced firms. The choice of a new business idea is oriented not only to the world (e.g., Europe, Asia, the USA) but also to local circumstances.

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Table of Content
3 Important actions to do 1. To estimate a start-up capital 2. To Make a market analysis 3. To make a business plan Idea № 1. e-shop Idea № 2.Vending Business Idea № 3. Mediation in the real estate and service business Idea № 4. Guidance services Idea № 5. Business in Sport and Fitness Idea № 6. Car-care centres and cleaning services aggregator Idea № 7. Massage salon Idea № 8. Small sports nutrition shop Idea № 9. Banner design and mounting Idea № 10. Tutoring services Idea № 11. Consultancy services Idea № 12. Delivery service Idea № 13. AR-tourism Idea № 14. Playstation club Idea № 15. Online dating club Idea № 16. Financial Consulting Idea № 17. Aesthetic cosmetology studio Idea № 18. Dropshipping platform Idea № 19. Crypto exchange service Idea № 20. Online lottery Idea № 21. Digital agency Idea № 22. Cosmetic medicine Idea № 23. Online commission platform Idea № 24. Electronic commerce optimisation service Idea № 25. Personalised wellbeing services Idea № 26. CRM products for taxi services Idea № 27. Internet trading market Idea № 28. Smart offices and coworking Idea № 28. Smart offices and coworking Idea № 30. Lead generation for business Idea № 31. A platform for virtual events Idea № 32. Virtual psychological therapy Idea № 33. Virtual apartment design Idea № 34. Backpacks Idea № 35. Chat bots development Idea № 36. Developments of software for smart houses Idea № 37. Programs for yoga, meditation, and fitness Idea № 38. 3D printing of houses Idea № 39. Videogames and cyber sports disciplines Idea № 40. Waste utilization Idea № 41. Handmade items Idea № 42. Internet marketing for small business Idea № 43. Business in Green Energy Idea № 44. Agricultural technologies Idea № 45. Online vita-shop Idea № 46. Mobile apps, services for work and study Idea № 47. Short-term office rental Idea № 48. Eco-bags, packaging Idea № 49. Unique clothing, tableware, and furniture production Idea № 50. Items and equipment for rent Idea № 51. Vocational courses for teenagers Idea № 52. Culinary courses Idea № 53. Child's trampolines Idea № 54. Frameless furniture Idea № 55. Mushrooms growing Idea № 56. Small billiard club Idea № 57. Wedding auto rent Idea № 58. Growing of filbert Idea № 59. Bicycles internet shop Idea № 60. Eco Market Idea № 61. Small Bar Idea № 62. Shoe repair workshop Idea № 63. Rent of summer residences on a trailer Idea № 64. Hostel Idea № 65. Busy Boards for children Idea № 66. Breeding of aquarium fishes Idea № 67. Making of aquariums Idea № 68. Mental arithmetic school Idea № 69. Flowers in glycerol Idea № 70. Cancer farm Idea № 71. Microgreens growing Idea № 72. 3d printing of walls Idea № 73. Smart Foil Idea № 74. Selling a sweet cotton wool that glowing Idea № 75. Interactive sand-box for children Idea № 76. Social Pharmacy Idea № 77. Carsharing Support for start-ups by large investors Conclusion

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