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Bitrix24.Documents and the Perils of Online Collaboration
Bitrix24.Documents and the Perils of Online Collaboration
Working together on a document often gets too complicated when it shouldn’t. Here’s how to avoid this pitfall.
11 min read
Feed Update
Feed Update
We are glad to inform you that we've updated Bitrix24 Feed to make working with Feed post even more convenient and enjoyable.
2 min read
HD Video Calls, Conferencing and Screen Sharing
HD Video Calls, Conferencing and Screen Sharing
Today we'd like to make an overview of Bitrix24 HD video calls and video conferencing tools with the updates and improvements that we've done so far.
4 min read
Bitrix24 Extranet and Intranet Users Comparison
Bitrix24 Extranet and Intranet Users Comparison
Besides intranet users in Bitrix24 account, there is also an option to add extranet users to Bitrix24. Please see this article for more information on extranet users and a difference between intranet and extranet users.
2 min read
Zoom Video Conferencing in Bitrix24
Zoom Video Conferencing in Bitrix24
Bitrix24 CRM and Messenger now integrate with Zoom. This means you can now use Zoom directly in Bitrix24 to communicate with your customers and team members.
3 min read
Hold Meetings in Bitrix24
Hold Meetings in Bitrix24
The Meetings and Briefings section is a useful communication tool designed for structuring and managing both online and offline meetings with colleagues. Learn how to hold and manage meetings with easy with Bitrix24.
3 min read
Create Meetings and Briefings
Create Meetings and Briefings
In Bitrix24 you may create meetings both offline to meet in person and online via videoconferencing.
2 min read
Pin and Add Posts to Favorites
Pin and Add Posts to Favorites
Every day there appear a lot of posts within the news feed. We've now added a new option to manage important posts in the news feed - now you can pin and add news feed posts to favorites.
2 min read
Connect External Calendar via CalDav
Connect External Calendar via CalDav
You can connect any external calendar via CalDav to your Bitrix24 Calendar. Learn more in this article.
2 min read
Bitrix24 Calendar Synchronization with Google Calendar
Bitrix24 Calendar Synchronization with Google Calendar
You can synchronize Bitrix24 Calendar with Google Calendar for all the events in your Google Calendar to be automatically mirrored in Bitrix24 and vice versa.
2 min read
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