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Smart Processes and Why Smart Businesses Need Them
Business development
Smart Processes and Why Smart Businesses Need Them
“AI is the future” - that’s a phrase you must’ve heard a million times. It may as well be but how does this apply to an average business owner who’s still struggling to make some money without relying too much on robots? That’s what we’re about to figure out.
13 min read
5 insights to automate your business with Bitrix24 in 2021
Business development
5 insights to automate your business with Bitrix24 in 2021
You won’t believe how much stuff you are used to doing manually can and should be automated with Bitrix24 - from document approval to SMM campaigns. Let’s see how it’s done.
12 min read
How Not to Lose Customers During Crisis
Business development
How Not to Lose Customers During Crisis
Plenty of businesses have been losing clients due to ongoing lockdown. We came up with a few ideas on how to retain your customer base and maybe even grow it.

10 min read
10 Steps to Handle an Angry Customer
Business development
How Do You Handle an Irate Customer?
Here is a step-by-step guide to dealing with an unhappy, even irate customer without losing your cool… or losing the customer. 
7 min read
Digital Nomads - Your Guide to The New Way of Life
Business development
Digital Nomads - Your Guide to The New Way of Life
Have you ever heard about digital nomads or maybe thought of becoming one of them? Here we’re telling about life of digital nomads and what benefits it has.

14 min read
Top Free Accounting Software For 2018
Business development
Top Free Accounting Software For 2018
If you’re starting a business, you’ll need accounting software. Here are our top three picks for free accounting software that you can use on your computer or mobile devices.

3 min read
The Most Essential Rules of Customer Service Communication
Business development
The Most Essential Rules of Customer Service Communication
We prepared a list of rules Bitrix24 success team uses to communicate with customers. These rules will make you an effective communicator and level up customer service communication in any company.

8 min read
Why Emotional Intelligence Is a Key Success Factor in Business Today
Business development
Why Emotional Intelligence Is a Key Success Factor in Business Today
Here’s how raw genius hardly stands a chance when well-managed emotion is in the room, and why companies should learn to harness the power of emotionally intelligent people.

12 min read
How to Assemble A Customer Success Team From Scratch
Business development
How to Assemble A Customer Success Team From Scratch
We’ll now try to define what it means for the customer success teams. We’re assembling our own as we speak, and we’re eager to tell you what we’ve learned.

18 min read
Why Customer Success is the Driving Engine for Growth: Overview
Business development
Why Customer Success is the Driving Engine for Growth: Overview
A thriving company, people say, depends on happy customers. It’s a classic case of cause and effect, really – if there’s no satisfaction for them, there’s no success for you.

11 min read
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