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Chat List in Bitrix24 Contact Center
Contact center
Chat List in Bitrix24 Contact Center
Open Channels have been moved to Contact Center. You can view the list of all chats and chat statistics, use filters and export statistics to Excel in one place. 

1 min read
SMS messaging via Plivo is now available inside Bitrix24
Contact center
SMS messaging via Plivo is now available inside Bitrix24
We have added Plivo app to Bitrix24 marketplace, which means you can now send text messages via Bitrix24 automation rules.

1 min read
Bitrix24 Open Channels Now Work With Instagram
Contact center
Bitrix24 Open Channels Now Work With Instagram
Now you can connect Instagram to Bitrix24 Open Channels in just a few clicks and enjoy new integration. 
1 min read
4 Ideas for Social Media and Email Marketing Integration
Contact center
4 Ideas for Social Media and Email Marketing Integration
Here’s how to integrate email blasts and social media successfully.

10 min read
The Future Of The Contact Center
Contact center
The Future Of The Contact Center
No business can thrive without its customers, so it is of crucial importance to address their customer pain points in order to meet their needs and satisfy their desires.
10 min read
Bitrix24 Website Widget: Chat, Web Form And Callback
Contact center
Bitrix24 Website Widget: Chat, Web Form And Callback
Bitrix24 widget unifies all possible digital communication channels with your clients in your Bitrix24 account. Here are the advantages the widget provides.
3 min read
How To Set Access Permissions For Bitrix24 Telephony
Contact center
How To Set Access Permissions For Bitrix24 Telephony
You can now configure Access Permissions for Bitrix24 Telephony.

3 min read
Bitrix24 Live Chat For Websites Is Out!
Contact center
Bitrix24 Live Chat For Websites Is Out!
Website live chat has been added to Bitrix24 Open Channels.

5 min read
Calling Rates For Bitrix24 Telephony
Contact center
Rates For Bitrix24 Telephony
You can see the most actual calling rates here. 
1 min read
Bitrix24 Telephony Rates Are Lowered By Up To 90%
Contact center
Bitrix24 Telephony Rates Are Lowered By Up To 90%
Great news for our telephony users. Our partner VoxImplant just lowered their phone rates for many countries by up to 90%. For example, phone calls in Poland used to cost 15 cents a minute, but now ar...
2 min read
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