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Bruce Tulgan - Employees Should Manage Their Bosses (And Here's How)
Business development
Bruce Tulgan - Employees Should Manage Their Bosses (And Here's How)
Bruce Tulgan is the author of many management books and founder of management training firm RainmakerThinking. In this article he explains why employees should manage their bosses.

10 min read
Three Systems You Need for Better Business Efficiency
Business development
Three Systems You Need for Better Business Efficiency
To run an efficient business, it's best to take the guesswork out of day-to-day operations. What is the easiest way to do that? 

6 min read
Gary Cokins - Automate everything, but not salary and incentives
Business development
Gary Cokins - Automate everything, but not salary and incentives
Gary Cokins told us about significance of KPIs for organisations and what processes company should NEVER automate.

8 min read
The Top Money Mistakes that Small Businesses Make
Business development
The Top Money Mistakes that Small Businesses Make
There are a few money mistakes that are common to many types of small businesses. Check them out, and make sure these are not happening in your small business.

6 min read
Interview with Jeff DeGraff
Business development
Want Innovation? Embrace Constructive Conflict, Says Innovation And Creativity Guru Jeff DeGraff
There aren't that many people who wrote five (yes, five) books on the subject of innovation and creativity, and Jeff DeGraff is just that person. 
9 min read
Taking the First Steps to a Paperless Office
Business development
Taking the First Steps to a Paperless Office
Going paperless is not something you want to do in a haphazard way. Create a map of the workflow and dependencies that happen in your business. 

5 min read
5 Ways Your Business Can Save by Moving to the Cloud
Business development
5 Ways Your Business Can Save by Moving to the Cloud
Cloud services are a major improvement in standard business practices. Not only do they offer increased security, specialization, and peace of mind, they can also offer significant cost savings for small businesses. 

5 min read
Are you treating your intranet as information dumping ground?
Business development
Are you treating your intranet as information dumping ground?
We talked to Martin White about why so many people choose Microsoft products for their intranets and why intranet is morphing into a digital workspace portal that includes clients and suppliers.

9 min read
The Cost of Procrastination
Business development
What Is Procrastination Costing Your Business?
We choose to delay because we are avoiding something else. If you are holding back on work that you are able of begin, you are procrastinating. And when you or others in your business procrastinate, the costs to your business start adding up.
6 min read
Keith Burton on how to turn employees into company ambassadors
Business development
Keith Burton on how to turn employees into company ambassadors
Keith Burton tells about internal communications professionals and what they can do to improve employee engagement and collaboration inside their companies.
10 min read
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