
Bitrix24 Free Website and Online Store Builder With Hosting and Own Domain
Bitrix24 Free Website and Online Store Builder With Hosting and Own Domain
Bitrix24.Sites might be the best thing since sliced bread and we’ve got a whole article to back up this rather audacious claim.
22 min read
Navigating the COVID-19 Job Market: Who’s Firing and Who’s Hiring
Navigating the COVID-19 Job Market: Who’s Firing and Who’s Hiring
The COVID-19 pandemic has left many wondering what will happen to the job market next and whether we will see some jobs gone completely while others will emerge. The uncertainty of the moment makes almost any prediction pointless. That’s why, rather than speculate about the future, we decided to take a look at the present and see how the global labor market is doing, as of June 2020.
17 min read
COVID-19 Economy: Businesses Booming Despite Lockdown
COVID-19 Economy: Businesses Booming Despite Lockdown
This article ignores the popular trend and takes an alternative look at the COVID-19 economy focusing on businesses that are actually thriving despite the lockdown. What’s their secret? How do they manage to pull it off? What can other businesses learn from their success? These are the questions answered in this article.
19 min read
Embracing the Post-COVID-19 World: Prepare for the Worst
Embracing the Post-COVID-19 World: Prepare for the Worst
It’s safe to say that the world is not going to be the same after the pandemic. How exactly? This article contains an analysis of the current trends and future predictions based on them.
21 min read
HR in the Modern World: 7 Trends You Need to Be Aware Of
HR in the Modern World: 7 Trends You Need to Be Aware Of
The upcoming months and possibly years will present some of the biggest HR challenges we have ever faced. A large part of overcoming these challenges is identifying the major HR trends, analyzing their importance, and anticipating the changes they might bring, which is exactly what this study is about.
21 min read
Time Tracking and Time Management Software for Remote Teams
Time Tracking and Time Management Software for Remote Teams
Managing time is challenging even for individuals who work remotely. But when it comes to managing time for remote teams, it is double the challenge. Are you up for it?
16 min read
10 Tools for Remote Work That You Need for Your Business
10 Tools for Remote Work That You Need for Your Business
Switching to remote work is a challenge for large teams but know exactly what you need to take up that challenge.
15 min read
Top Free Mobile CRM Apps for Android and iOS
Top Free Mobile CRM Apps for Android and iOS
Are you tired of being chained to your desktop just to keep up with the team? Are you missing out on sales opportunities because you can’t bring your CRM with you on the plane? Here are our top picks for mobile CRM.
14 min read
Best Open Source CRM Software. Definitive Review for 2021
Best Open Source CRM Software. Definitive Review for 2021
Are you tired of getting locked in to vendor pricing? Unable to customize your CRM software to fit your enterprising business? Check out our top picks for open source CRM and see why open source is the way to go.
20 min read
Free Personal CRM Software Tools for 2021
Free Personal CRM Software Tools for 2021
Are you looking to streamline your personal workflow? Do you want to automate your life? Check out our top free personal CRM software tools.
16 min read
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