The CRM in Bitrix24

11 min read
Vlad Kovalskiy
July 19, 2012
Last updated: April 25, 2023
The CRM in Bitrix24
The CRM (Customer Relationship Management) System in Bitrix24 handles interactions with clients and potential clients, and/or with partners, journalists, and other persons. Its objective is to provide a convenient and transparent tool which improves relationship quality and therefore the bottom line.

How Does the CRM Work?

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is a class of software which provides structure and coherency in the management of business contacts and potential contacts. “Leads” obtained through any number of methods can be entered into the system, assigned to responsible employees, and developed into clients, customers, or partners with a full record of all interactions. The CRM organizes information about customers and the various interactions with them from the qualifying stage through closing of sales.

The fundamental process which a CRM enables is the development of a potential client (a sales ‘lead’) into a paying customer.


A lead is a CRM object containing information (telephone number, email, website) of a person or company who has the potential to become a customer – that is, to complete a deal. A lead is the beginning of the process, thus the information contained in a lead may come from a business card collected at a conference, the company website, or a phone call coming in to the sales department.

Leads can be assigned various statuses which determine how the lead will progress through the CRM. At some point, a lead will either be removed from the system (junk) or converted to a Contact, Company, or Deal.


Leads can be added automatically using data from forms on your web site.
If your website is based on Bitrix Site Manager, setting up integration with the CRM is done in the Web Forms module. Otherwise, you can transfer data to the CRM using the Rest API, which is also simple to set up.

More details about using the Rest API can be found here.


The customer relationship starts with making contact with a person who is either the client or a representative of the client. Contacts can be displayed in a list view where individual and mass operations are available, and contacts can be added, imported, or exported.

Like other CRM objects, Contacts can be opened from the list and further modified, converted, or have an event attached to them.



A Company is a CRM object holding data and the history of interaction of a company. As with Leads, a list of Companies can be viewed and various operations can be performed on them.

A Company is generally a large record in the CRM, since it can contain several contacts and deals, and their histories.



A Deal is a CRM object containing the interaction with a Client or Company pertaining to a transaction. A Contact or Client may have any number of associated Deals.

Deals can be viewed in list form, edited, and exported. A deal can be added by hand, brought into the system through the API, or initiated through the conversion of a lead. Deals proceed through a number of customizable statuses, and rules for working with Deals can depend on the status.



Events are simply various actions that are taken concerning CRM objects. All phone calls, emails, meetings, and other interactions can be recorded in the CRM and associated with the Lead, Company, or Contact or Deal. Events may be added directly from the lists of these objects by selected Add Event from the action button menu.

The list of events is read-only but can be filtered by event type, associated CRM object, and other criteria.


General feature

The element list, or grid, is a useful tool in itself, since the columns shown can be sorted according to a selected field, hidden or shown. Frequently-used views for the list can be saved for use any time.


In the same manner, filters can be applied and saved using the Search panel located to the right of the list.
Contacts, Companies, Deals and Leads can be imported or exported.

Selection lists

The Selection Lists are the values for parameters which are used throughout the CRM. These values are easy to add and modify.


In the above picture, you can see that the values for the Contact Type field can be modified, deleted, or added very easily. These values will show up in the pull-down list in the corresponding field in Contacts.

Custom Fields

Since every company works in its own way, a convenient method for adding custom fields for all CRM objects – Companies, Contacts, Leads, or Deals. The fields share all of the properties of the standard fields and will show up in the detail pages of the objects as well as the list view, if desired.

More about creating and using custom fields can be found here.

Access system

Access rights in the CRM are based on roles. That is, roles can be created and the access levels for those roles can be assigned, and then users can be assigned certain roles. Importantly, roles can be assigned to individual users, entire user groups, project groups, or to departments in the company structures.

Details about access rights in the CRM here.

Email integration

Bulk email can be sent to objects (contacts, leads, or companies) which are selected in an object list. Messages are saved in the profile of each object as an event.


Send&Save integration

Send&Save is incorporated in the CRM so that correspondence can easily be logged in the profiles of Contacts, Companies, or Leads, simply by sending a copy of the email to the CRM.

By setting up a mailbox for the CRM and then copying correspondence to that address, the system will recognize the email address of the person or company. This feature is critical as it preserves the full context of interaction with each contact and protects against data loss.

Details about Send&Save integration can be found here.

Integration with tasks

Tasks based on CRM objects can be assigned directly from the CRM.

For example, if you need to call certain Contacts to invite them to a seminar, send a commercial offer to a Company, etc., you can create the task for doing that directly from the CRM and choose the needed Contacts and Companies.


Tasks created from the CRM are visible in the responsible person’s regular task list, as well as being visible to observers.

Integration with search

CRM objects can be found through the global search box, with consideration of access permissions.


Integration with business processes

Business processes are integrated into the CRM, meaning that a business process can be launched by users at any time, or automatically when a lead, deal, or other object is created or modified. Three standard business processes for the CRM are included standard: Process lead, Contact processing and Web store deal.


Reports are one of the most important parts of the CRM system, since it is reports that allow prognosis and analysis of all work with clients and, in turn, optimization client interactions at individual stages or systematically.

Details about reports.


The catalog lists products and services involved in deals. That is, sales managers can select items from the catalog list when creating a deal.

Integration with a Bitrix e-Store

E-commerce websites based on Bitrix Site Manager can be integrated with the CRM. In this case, orders in the e-store will be created as deals in the CRM, and the ordering users will be brought in as contacts. Moreover, sales managers can view the product catalog of the website from the CRM and create orders. These orders will be mirrored in the e-store.
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Table of Content
How Does the CRM Work? Leads Contacts Company Deals Events General feature Selection lists Custom Fields Access system Email integratio Send Save integration Integration with tasks Integration with search Integration with business processes Reports Catalog Integration with a Bitrix e-Store

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