What is a lead in CRM?

In most CRM systems, the term lead is used to describe an individual who might become your customer, but currently isn't. To put it simply, a 'lead' is your potential customer. Naturally, you would like to collect and manage as much actionable information about your leads as possible, which is what CRM systems are for.
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How to work with leads?

When leads are entered in your CRM, they need to be scored or qualified. This process entails gathering information about the prospect, such as level of interest, budget, or company size.
A lead that showed interest in your product, like requesting a quote or attending a webinar, is considered 'warm.' A lead that showed interest in purchasing your product, like requesting an invoice or asking for a price list, is called 'hot.' Leads that aren't qualified to purchase your product are called 'junk leads.'
Later on, during the sales process, leads can be converted into contacts, companies and deals (opportunities) or deleted.

Leads in Bitrix24 CRM

If you are looking for a simple and powerful tool to help you manage leads, consider Bitrix24 CRM. With over 35 sales and marketing tools on board, Bitrix24 is a perfect CRM system for any business.




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